Book a librarian, get the help that you need

Everyone has been frustrated with new technology at some point in their life.

For me, it's office phones. Those devices overwhelm me with their lighted buttons and cryptic messages. They remind me of those consoles you see in photos of NASA Mission Control circa 1967.

With technology, frustration can quickly morph into disgust. But it doesn't have to be that way. Sometimes all we need is a little help.

When a library user approached me with a new e-reader that she received as a gift, the help she needed was summed up in one sentence:

“I'm going to return it today if I can't get a library book on it.”

She wasn't looking to spend money on books when she was accustomed to just checking them out from the library.

There was good news for her.

First, she—and anyone else with a Cumberland County Public Library card—can download e-books for free.

And second, thanks to a service called Book-a-Librarian, she was able to get 45 minutes of one-on-one assistance on downloading e-books and using an e-reader.

By the time we were finished, she had downloaded two e-books to her device. Less than an hour earlier, she was on the brink of returning her gift for a refund.

The best thing about the Book-a-Librarian service is that it is tailored to your needs and schedule.

Ever wanted to attend a program or take a class and it didn't fit into your schedule? This will never be the case with Book-a-Librarian because you arrange the time.

Topics that Book-a-Librarian sessions can cover include:

For an appointment, stop by the library or give us a call. You are not alone when it comes to technology help.

—from The Sandspur, April 16, 2014